Taegeuk Il
Movements: 18
Description and Meaning:

Start in parallel ready stance
- Turn left 90 degrees into a left walking stance and left low block
- Step forward into right walking stance and right hand middle punch
- Turn right 180 degrees clockwise into a right walking stance and right low block
- Step forward into left walking stance and left hand middle punch
- Turn left 90 degrees counter-clockwise into a left deep front stance and left low block
- Right hand middle punch keeping the deep front stance
- Sliding the right foot turn 90 degrees clockwise into a right walking stance left inside block
- Step forward into left walking stance and right hand middle punch
- Turn left 180 degrees counter-clockwise into a left walking stance and right hand inside block
- Step forward into right walking stance and left hand middle punch
- Turn right 90 degrees clockwise into a right deep front stance and right arm low block
- Left hand middle punch keeping the right deep walking stance
- Sliding the let for turn lleft 90 degrees counter-clockwise into a left walking stance and left arm high block
- Right foot front kick landing in a right walking stance and right hand middle punch
- Turn 180 degrees clockwise into a right walking stance and right arm high block
- Left foot front kick land in a left walking stance and left hand middle punch
- Stepping with the left foot turn 90 degrees clockwise into a deep left front stance and left arm low block
- Step forward into a deep right front stance and right hand middle punch and Kihap!