Taegeuk Ee

Movements: 18

Description and Meaning:

Start in parallel ready stance

  1. Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise into a left walking stance and left arm low block
  2. Step forward into right deep walking stance and right hand middle punch
  3. Turn 180 degrees clockwise into a right walking stance and right arm low block
  4. Step forward into a left deep walking stance and left hand middle punch
  5. Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise into left walking stance and right arm middle block
  6. Step forward into right walking stance and left arm middle block
  7. Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise into left walking stance and left arm low block
  8. Right foot front kick landing in right deep walking stance and right hand high punch
  9. Turn 180 degrees clockwise into right walking stance and right arm low block
  10. Left foot front kick landing in left deepw alking stance and left hand high punch
  11. Turn 90 degrees clockwise-clockwise into left walking stance with and left arm high block
  12. Step forward into right walking stance and right arm high block
  13. Turn 270 degrees counter-clockwise into left walking stance and right arm middle block
  14. Turn 180 degrees clockwise into right walking stance and left arm middle block
  15. Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise sliding left foot into left walking stance and left arm low block
  16. Right foot front kick landing in right walking stance and right hand middle punch
  17. Left foot front kick landing in left walking stance and left hand middle punch
  18. Right foot front kick landing in right walking stance and right arm middle punch, Kihap