Taegeuk Chil

Movements: 25

Description and Meaning:

Start in parallel ready stance

  1. Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise into left cat stance and right middle palm block
  2. Right foot front kick, return to left cat stance and left inside middle block
  3. Turn 180 degrees clockwise into right cat stance and left middle palm block
  4. Left foot front kick return to cat stance and right inside middle block
  5. Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise into right back stance and double knife hand low block
  6. Step forward into left back stance and double knife hand low block
  7. Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise into left cat stance and right reinforced middle palm block
  8. Right downward backfist to nose
  9. Turn 180 degrees clockwise into right cat stance and left reinforced middle palm block
  10. Left downward backfist to nose
  11. Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise into a position B ready stance slowly extend your arms outwards to chest level
  12. Step forward into a left deep walking stance and double scissor block
  13. Step forward into a right deep walking stance and double scissor block
  14. Turn 270 degrees counter-clockwise into left deep walking stance and middle wedge block
  15. Reach up and grab your imaginary opponent with both hands, bring hands down & bring right knee up then leap forward landing with right x stance and double upset punch
  16. Move left leg back into right front deep walking stance and low x block
  17. Turn 180 degrees clockwise into right deep walking stance and middle wedge block
  18. Reach up and grab your imaginary opponent with both hands, bring hands down & bring left knee up leap forward landing with left x stance and double upset punch
  19. Move right leg back and go into left deep walking stance and low x block
  20. Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise into left walking stance and left backfist
  21. Open left fist, right crescent kick slapping palm of left hand with the sole of your right foot, land in a horse stance and right elbow strike into open palm of your left hand
  22. Move into right walking stance, right backfist
  23. Open right fist, left crescent kick slapping palm of right hand with the sole of your left foot, land in a horse stance, left elbow strike into open palm of your right hand
  24. Stay in horse stance, left single knife hand middle block
  25. Step forward into horse stance and right-hand side punch Kihap!