Movements: 61
Moon-Moo honours the 30th King of the Silla Dynasty. His body was buried near Dae Wang Am (Great King's Rock). According to his will, the body was placed in the sea "where my soul shall forever defend my land against the Japanese." It is said that the Sok Gul Am (Stone cave) was built to guard his tomb. The Sok Gul Am is a fine example of the culture of the Silla Dynasty. The 61 movements in this pattern symbolize the last two figures of 661 A.D. when Moon Moo came to the throne.
Start in a parallel ready stance
- Turn the face to B while forming a right bending ready toward B. Perform in a slow motion.
- Execute a high side kick to B with the left foot. Perform in a slow motion.
- Execute a high side kick to B with the left foot. Perform 2 and 3 in a double kick.
- Lower the left foot to B to form a middle stance toward D while performing a right spear hand to D.
- Perform a high spinning hooking kick to B with the right foot. Perform in a slow motion.
- Lower the right foot to B in a jumping motion to form a right X-stance while performing a right knife-hand strike to B.
- Move the left foot to A forming a left front stance toward A while executing a pressing block.
- Move the right foot to A to form a right front stance toward A at the same time executing a pressing block.
- Execute a high left knife-hand side block to B and a low right knife-hand block to A while forming a right one-leg stance toward D, pulling the arch of your left foot to the right knee joint. Perform in slow motion.
- Lower the left foot to the right foot and then turn the face to A while forming a left bending ready stance A toward A. Perform in slow motion.
- Execute a high side kick to A with the right foot. Perform in a slow motion.
- Execute a high side kick to A with the right foot. Perform 11 and 12 in a double kick.
- Lower the right foot to A to form a middle stance toward D while executing a left spear hand to D.
- Execute a high spinning hooking kick to A with the left foot. Perform in a slow motion.
- Lower the left foot to A in a jumping motion to form a left X-stance while performing a left knife-hand strike to A.
- Move the right foot to B forming a right front stance toward B while executing a pressing block.
- Move the left foot to B to form a left front stance toward B at the same time executing a pressing block.
- Execute a high right knife-hand block to A and a low left knife-hand block to B while forming a left one-leg stance toward D, pulling the arch of your right foot to the left knee joint. Perform in slow motion.
- Turn the face to C while forming a left bending ready stance B toward D.
- Execute a high back kick to C with the right foot. Perform in slow motion.
- Lower the right foot to C to form a left front stance toward D while Performing a right hand middle punch to D.
- Turn the face to C while forming a right bending ready stance B toward D.
- Execute a high back kick to C with the left foot. Perform in slow motion.
- Lower the left foot to C to form a right front stance toward D while performing a left hand middle punch to D.
- Slide to C forming a right cat stance toward D while executing a downward block with the left palm.
- Perform a left foot front kick to D keeping the position of the hands as they were in 25.
- Lower the left foot to D and then move the right foot to C in a stamping motion to form a middle stance toward A while executing a middle side hammer fist strike to C.
- Slide to C maintaining a middle stance toward A while executing a left palm scooping block.
- Execute a middle punch to A with the right hand while maintaining a middle stance toward A. Perform 28 and 29 in a continuous motion.
- Perform a low left knife-hand block to D while maintaining a middle stance toward A.
- Perform a right leg step behind side kick to C in a quick motion.
- Lower the right foot to C and then execute a high spin side kick to C with the left foot.
- Lower the left foot to C to form a left front stance toward C while executing a high left knife-hand side block to C.
- Slide to D forming a left cat stance toward C while executing a downward block with the right palm.
- Perform a right foot front kick to C keeping the position of the hands as they were in 34.
- Lower the right foot to C and then move the left foot to D in a stamping motion to form a middle stance toward A while performing a middle side hammer fist strike to D.
- Slide to D maintaining a middle stance toward A while executing a scooping right palm block.
- Perform a left hand middle punch to A while maintaining a middle stance toward A. Perform 37 and 38 in a continuous motion.
- Perform a low right knife-hand block to C while maintaining a middle stance toward A.
- Perform a left leg step behind side kick to D in a quick motion.
- Lower the left foot to D and then execute a high spinning side kick to D.
- Lower the right foot to D to form a right front stance toward D while performing a high right knife-hand side block to D.
- Move the left foot to D and then execute a high right foot instep kick to AD.
- Lower the right foot to C forming a left front stance toward D while performing a right hand back strike to C and extending the left fist to D.
- Perform a downward right reinforced back fist front strike to D while sliding to C maintaining a left front stance toward D.
- Move the right foot to D and then perform a high left foot instep kick to BD.
- Lower the left foot to C to form a right front stance toward D while performing a left hand back fist to C and extending the right fist to D.
- Perform a downward left reinforced back fist front strike to D while sliding to C maintaining a right front stance toward D.
- Perform a left foot sweeping kick to D keeping the position of the hands as they were in 48 and then lower it to D forming a right back stance toward D while performing a guarding block to D.
- Perform a left foot checking kick to D and then left foot side kick to D while guarding block. Perform as consecutive kick.
- Lower the left foot to D forming a right back stance toward D while performing a left knife-hand strike to D.
- Perform a right foot sweeping kick to D and then lower it to D to form a left back stance toward D while performing a guarding block to D.
- Perform a right foot checking kick to D and then right foot side kick to D while guarding block. Perform in a consecutive kick.
- Lower the right foot to D forming a left back stance toward D while performing a right knife-hand strike to D.
- Move the right foot to C and then turn counter-clockwise pivoting with the right foot to form a left front stance toward C while performing a right hand middle punch to C.
- Jump to C to form a right X-stance toward AC while executing a low left hand punch to C and bringing the right fist onto the left shoulder.
- Jump to D forming a left X-stance toward AD while executing a low right hand punch to D and bringing the left fist on the right shoulder.
- Perform a right foot jump spin side kick to D.
- Land to D to form a left back stance toward D while performing a double knife-hand guarding block to D.
- Move the right foot to the side rear of the left foot and then the left foot to C to form a right front stance toward D while executing a high left hand C-strike.
- Perform a high right hand punch to D while maintaining a right front stance toward D.