
Movements: 24


Do San is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Chang-Ho (1876-1938). The 24 movements represent his entire life which he devoted to furthering the education of Korea and its independence movement.


Start in parallel ready stance

  1. Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise towards B into a left front stance and left arm outer forearm block
  2. Without stepping right hand middle punch
  3. 2 step turn clockwise towards A into a right front stance and right arm outer forearm block
  4. Without stepping left hand middle punch
  5. Stepping with your left foot turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise towards D into a right back stance and double knife hand guarding block
  6. Step forward into a right front stance and block down with the left hand and right hand spear finger strike over the left (your left hand should be under your right elbow)
  7. Turn 360 degrees counter-clockwise towards D to form a left front stance and high left hand back fist
  8. Step forward into a right front stance and high right hand back fist
  9. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise towards A into a left front and left arm outer forearm block
  10. Without stepping right hand middle punch
  11. 2 step turn clockwise towards B into a right front stance and right arm outer forearm block
  12. Without stepping left hand middle punch
  13. Turn 135 degrees counter-clockwise towards AC into a left front stance and high wedge block
  14. Right foot front kick set it down in a right front stance towards AC
  15. Without stepping right hand middle punch
  16. Without stepping left-hand middle punch
  17. Turn 90 degrees clockwise towards BC into a right front stance and high wedge block
  18. Left foot front kick then set it down in a left front stance towards BC
  19. Without stepping left hand middle punch
  20. Without stepping right hand middle punch
  21. Turn 45 degrees counter-clockwise towards C into a left front stance and left arm high block
  22. Step forward into a right front stance and right arm high block
  23. Turn 270 degrees counter-clockwise into a middle stance facing D and left hand knife-hand strike to B
  24. Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot out to form a middle stance facing D and right-hand knife-hand strike to A and “Kihap”!